Yoga Bali Lifestyle Blog

How To Live A Yogic Lifestyle

The yogic lifestyle is about living consciously. Developing a practice based on a deep understanding of Yogic philosophies will allow you to create a harmonious balance between mind, body and spirit. Here you’ll find tips and ideas to aide you in your journey.

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4 Coliving Spots In Bali You Must Try

Whether you’re a entrepreneur, artist, yogi, traveller or remote worker, coliving in Bali is the perfect for new arrivals. Enjoy a flexible furnished lifestyle where you can find a tribe of like-minded individuals who share your passion about holistic living, sustainability and nature.

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What Does Eco Coliving Really Mean?

Coliving involves the buidling of a communal ecosystem that promotes sharing, support and connection. Explore what eco coliving really means and how yogis can benefit.

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5 Inspiring Eco Coliving Stories You Need to Watch

Eco villages are communities centred around sustainable coliving practices. But there are more benefits to them than that. Here’s five inspiring eco coliving stories to inspire more sustainable living.

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Gazing Meditation: Powerful Practice for Self Healing

If you’re curious about the powerful healing benefits of gazing meditation, this article is for you. Learn how this ancient practice can transform tension, stress and trapped emotions into experiencing your inner Divine.

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Here’s Why Life Coaching and Therapy Are Different

Seems everyone is a life coach these days. But what exactly is a life coach and what’s make them different from a therapist? Well, in this post we’re going to clarify how life coaching can help you reach your full potential as opposed to dealing with unresolved issues from the past.

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Why The Past Keeps You Stuck – And How To Recycle Your Pain

Your current reality is based on painful moments from the past. Recycling that pain into healing and motivation allows it to become the gift that your deliver to the world. In this article we’ll share some ways transform toxic beliefs into eco-friendly ones.

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7 Sustainability Documentaries Every Yogi Should Watch

With our planet Earth facing the worse climate crisis than ever before, now is the time for mindful citizens to start embracing a more sustainable lifestyle. Well, since we believe that a holistic approach to yoga and education are key, here are 7 eco-films to bring you enlightenment.

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How Yoga and Personal Growth Affects Sustainability

For those choosing to explore the yogic path, there’s no better time than now to transform those old habits into new ones. Believe it or not, your yoga practice is the first step to improving sustainability globally.

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5 Simple Ways Yogis Can Embrace a Sustainable Lifestyle

As someone who is following the yogic path, what are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint on our beloved Earth? You may already be doing your part but there is always room for improvement. To help you live a more sustainable lifestyle, here are 5 simple ways to live more natural and greener.

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3 Self-Coaching Skills For A More Holistic Life

I get it. You’re passionate about serving others but are you investing the same amount of time in serving yourself? Lets keep it real. In order to help your clients thrive, you need to bring balance and calm into your own life first. Here are 3 self-coaching skills to practice to live a more holistic life.

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Yoga As An Antidote For The Trance Of Fear

Fear causes psychological changes in a persons behaviour or emotions when one perceives a potential threat that’s uncontrollable or unavoidable. Our Yoga & Psychology expert, Charlotte Skogsberg, shares how yoga can be the antidote for fear.

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3 Secret Techniques For Sustainable Spiritual Growth

Sustaining one’s quest for continued spiritual growth can be emotionally and mentally exhausting, especially when we dig into those dark parts that require focus and work. The good news is that you enjoy the ride while in the midst of the storm with these three secret techniques for sustainable spiritual growth.

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Growth Mindset: Images We Have of Ourselves

Internally, we hold outdated beliefs that works against the current reality we’re wishing to create. Yoga teaches us to quiet the mind so that we can review, observe and change those beliefs into one that facilitates growth in every area of our lives.

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12 Yoga Quotes To Inspire & Motivate Your Practice

This collection of 12 yoga quotes will help you find intention and purpose in your practice again. Who knows, you might find the perfect quote that delivers the message you needed to hear to make today the game changer.

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Yoga Practice: Deepening Into Truth

Yoga practice is a wonderful opportunity to surrender to any resistance and allow the breath or prana to lead the way. The asanas we do on the mat are mere formality. The real yoga is how we allow our hearts to serve as a compass. How are you deepening into your truths daily? Are you choosing to run or exploring the pain? In this article guest author Charlotte Skogsberg shares her insights on yoga and practice.

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Two Neti Kriyas Every Yogi Should ‘Nose’

Here’s two neti kriyas or yogic cleansing techniques to bring into your ashtanga practice. Jal neti and sutra neti will help remove blocks in the nasal passage leaving you energised and refreshed.

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