Why The Past Keeps You Stuck – And How To Recycle Your Pain

ubuntu bali eco yoga retreat recycle pain

Pain is the imprints or memories of the past. Some imagination. Others trauma that never surfaced or you chose to bury. But just like a rubbish bin that overflows when not tended to, your unconscious beliefs are creating and shading your current reality.

Without realising, your current decisions are oftentimes flavoured with painful moments from your past.

Recycling that pain into healing and motivation allows it to become the gift that your deliver to the world. In this article we’ll share some ways transform toxic beliefs into eco-friendly ones.

Hurt People, Hurt People

Everyone has their story. Most people cling to their version of stories in any given situation. Just like a junk collector, these stories provide comfort during times of pain.

Spend a moment and tap into those moments of pain. Do you really wish that others be subjected to similar feelings? Of course not. But the reality is that hurt people, hurt people.

Here’s the reality, when someone hurts you they are reacting from a situation where they were hurt.

Every single person that has wronged us is a gift in disguise. Giving you an opportunity to recycle the pain and turn it into compassion.

Spend some time journaling. Think about how those situations where your greatest moments of growth and what you’ve learned from the experience. Write down, as well, how you think the other person may have been hurt in their past.

Creative Visualisation

Recycle your pain with a creative visualisation exercise. Imaging a space that looks like a courtroom and invite someone who is full compassion to act as judge.

Like a lawyer, read the charges out loud to the person or situation that needs forgiving. Allow yourself to feel the anger and pain. Then dissolve it into love by embracing the culprit.

Finding Your Purpose

Pain is the alarm system in our lives to alerting us that something should be treated. Isn’t the human body great?

Treating the root cause of the illness will awaken your inner greatness. Consider your search for all those intricate pain points as a travel trip. Journey to all the hard parts. Experience the feeling then release them. Why? Because on the other side of suffering there is greatness.

Clearing out all of the debris may lead you into a more purpose filled life. One that is eco-friendly to those you meet daily in your environment. Most importantly, you’ll contribute to a more healthier emotional ecosystem when you move from purpose.


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