Ubuntu Yoga
Teacher Training

Coming in 2025

Module 1 - August 4-15

Module 2 - Aug 25- Sept 5

If you are a serious yoga practitioner and feel ready to start sharing your passion for yoga, this is the course you want to join.
With a unique teaching methodology, Damien and Andrea distilled their combined 40 years of teaching experience to offer you one of the best teacher training in the world.

Experienced yogis only.

USD$2500 (Check our early-bird discount)

What is this training about

For committed yogis who want to grow the foundation to share and teach their passion for yoga. The comprehensive Ubuntu yoga teacher training combines 2 tracks that support each other: 

Lots of it.. Because yoga is first and foremost an experiential approach.. that will take place mostly in the mornings and set the foundation for the teaching layer..
Includes Life-coaching tools and methodology, Anatomy and yoga philosophy. 

Because teaching is an art unto itself.. Good practitioners don’t always make good teachers.. The afternoons will be dedicated to teaching methodology and practice including Alignment, Adjusting, instructing, guiding and sequencing.


Yoga practice will be based on Functional ashtanga, accessible to all yogis with a personal yoga practice, whether Ashtanga or not.. 

  • More focused on holistic approach of yoga than following the “traditional” Ashtanga method.

  • Mysore style as a Self-practice environment to support healing, nourishment, exploration and deepening within a holistic approach. 

  • A space for practitioners to cultivate well-being, grounding and centeredness..

  • Functional and holistic feedback from the daily practice.

Life-Coaching tools

Life-coaching is the art of asking the right questions in order to get better answers

  • Being a certified life-coach Andrea will use some simple yet profound coaching tools to support the trainees on 2 levels:

  • 1st, as a great lens for self-inquiry where you will acquire a deeper knowledge and understanding of yourself.

  • And in a 2nd time, applying this same lens to your students in order to better support them on their journey.. 

Functional Anatomy

Embodied Anatomy of your
Musculo-skeletal systems,

  • Principles of biomechanics as they apply to each of your joints to support healthy movements.

  • Experiential approach where you will learn to feel the correct movements in your joints and activate the appropriate muscles.

  • Integration with the yoga asanas so that you can transpose the anatomy principles into safer and deeper understanding of yoga postures. 

Yoga Philosophy

We ground our practices in classical yogic texts as a safeguard to prevent us from straying too far from the original intentions of yoga. 

  • We will explore the key points of 3 classic texts 

  • The Hatha yoga pradipika of Swami Atmarama will inform the practices we do on our yoga mat.  

  • The Bhagavad Gita of Vyasa will guide us on how to live a just and meaningful life.

  • And finally, The yoga sutras of Patanjali will highlight the summits of yogic mastery.. 


The Afternoons will be dedicated to teaching methodology and practice in order to provide you with the tools and experience to facilitate great yoga classes

  • Principles of Alignment: Asanas approached through anatomical lens to foster safety and awareness.

  • The Art of Adjusting:
    This layer build on the previous one and teaches you how to safely and effectively use your hands to assist a practitioner.

  • The Science of instructing:
    Overcoming the fear of public speaking, learning to express yourself clearly and lead a group effectively.  

  • Principles of Sequencing:
    Learning to organize your classes intelligently in order to leave your students feeling amazing an coming back.

Who is it for?

Dedicated yoga practitioners who already have a minimum of 2 years of personal yoga practice.  (3-4 times/week min)

  • A video of yourself practicing will be required as part of the application process. 

  • Yoga practitioners who are willing to invest time, energy and commitment to their growth and teaching skills. 

  • There will be readings and homework to be completed before the training.


At Ubuntu we value quality, integrity and authenticity. So we offer a serious teacher training for serious practitioners. 

  • As the low standards of the Yoga Alliance don’t uphold our vision of yoga and the responsibility of teaching, we choose to affiliate ourselves with The Heart of Yoga standards.

  • There will be a process of selection based on experience and prior trainings with Ubuntu so that only 20 students will be accepted per training  to ensure attention to personal growth. 

  • Each module will need to be validated by presence to all classes as well as oral, written and demonstrated tests to accredit completion and certification at the end of the training. 

How will you benefit?

You will learn how to approach Ashtanga yoga practice from a functional perspective and receive plenty of tips for your practice. 

  • You will learn to become confident to guide others through a yoga class in any professional setting (gym, studio, corporate, private..)

  • You will learn about yoga alignment and the anatomical principles that back it up. 

  • You will be grounded in knowing who you are, what are your gifts, weaknesses and how to be in balance.

  • You will have some key tools from yogic wisdom to help you navigate the tight spots in your life. 

How is this unique?

Well, first, it s happening in Bali. During the month,  even though most of the time will be utilized practicing and teaching yoga, we will go on a couple spiritual excursions to immerse ourselves in the richness of Balinese culture. 

  • The classes are set in our very special Ubuntu garden, where you ll be in the middle of nature but just on the outskirts of Canggu and 10mn from the beach. 

  • The training is grounded in life-coaching principles and brings a deeply transformational dimension to 

  • As “Ubuntis” we are all about sharing, connection and community, so we nurture a very friendly environment where everyone feels welcome and included. 

  • And last, but not least, Damien and Andrea have almost over 50 years of combined experience practicing and studying yoga. They draw from their backgrounds in psychology, bodywork, yoga therapy and life coaching  to provide a unique and very comprehensive approach to yoga.. 

Who are the teachers?

- Co-founder of Ubuntu Bali
- Sustainable Ashtanga yoga teacher 

- Bodyworker and massage therapist 

- Non-dual coach

Damien has been practicing yoga and meditation since 1990. After practicing meditation for 8 years he fell in love at first stretch with the ashtanga practice in 1998 as it combined his passions for sports and self-inquiry. 

Although Ashtanga was always his main practice, Damien explored many other forms of yoga and healing modalities including Iyengar and Anusara yoga, men’s group, 12 step groups, movement, dance, non-dual inquiry, plant medicines.. 

As an Ashtanga teacher his intention is to share the gifts of this system as they have been transmitted to him by his teachers.. (Patthabi Jobs, Richard Freeman, Larry Shultz..)

As a guide, his role is to support people to meet themselves in a safe and nurturing space, where healing, creativity, fulfillment and connection can happen. 

When not cleaning the floor at his school in Canggu Bali, Damien travels around the world and tries to share his passion for yoga with insight, humor and compassion. 

He also holds certifications in psychology and bodywork and uses his understanding of the body-mind connections to support healing on many levels.


Co- founder of Ubuntu Bali 

  • Level 2 Authorized Ashtanga teacher 

  • Certified Life-coach 

  • Andrea has been practicing Ashtanga yoga since 2003. And although at first it was mostly as a valve to blow off steam from her entrepreneurial lifestyle it quickly became a passion. In 2010 she started assisting Damien in mysore classes and eventually became authorized to teach by sharath Jois after several trips to Mysore, India. She guides her students with enthusiasm, precision and kindness.

Last Years Schedule

  • Sunday through Friday
    - 7:00-7:30 Internal practice (Kriyas, Pranayam, Chanting, Meditation.)
    - 7:30-9:30 Mysore style Asana practice.
    - 9:30-10:30 Breakfast (included)
    - 10:30-13:00 Practice Methodology (Life-coaching, anatomy & philosophy)
    - 13:00-14:30 lunch (included) and break
    - 14:30-16:30 Teaching Methodology
    (Alignment, Adjustment, Instructing, Sequencing..)
    - 16:30 - 17:00 Break
    - 17:00 - 18:00 Integration Practice 

  • Saturdays OFF


. USD$2500
. All teachings
. Course Booklets
. Yummy Vegetarian breakfast and lunch

  • USD$3500
    includes all the above plus
    - Shared accommodation at Ubuntu and Dinner.

  • Accomodation is included for the following dates: August 4-15 - Aug 25- Sept 5

  • Add on residency for Aug 15 - Aug 25, is at extra cost.

How to register?

You can apply by sending your application form (download here) to with a 5mn video of you practicing yoga at yoganimal@gmail.com

  • If accepted your reservation will be valid upon transferring 50%
    (USD$1250) for deposit to book your spot. 20 spots in total to provide quality support for each participant.

  • If you have any Question or want more info, contact Damien at:
    WA +6281237128164

The most amazing and difficult journey doesn’t require a single step. The journey to your Self.
— Damien de Bastier