What Does Eco Coliving Really Mean?

ubuntu bali eco coliving yoga retreat bali

Think back to your early childhood. Remember how connected you felt spending quality time in the nature, basking in the fresh air and the excitement of all the new creatures that passed by.

Think about things went to the next level when friends or other loved ones your age gathered in on the fun.

How did you feel in those times?

Were you feeling connected to yourself, nature and playmates?

Well, eco coliving means getting back to nature and finding a like-minded community of individuals who share similar values to join the fun. After all, it’s better together.

Cohousing vs Coliving: What’s The Difference?

Cohousing is a community that is intentionally created and run by its residents, typically involving between 8 and 40 households. Each household has a self-contained, private home that is part of the community. Residents come together in common areas to socialise, meet about managing the community and sharing activities such as gardening and cooking.

Coliving is seen as a form of housing, similar to cohousing, where residents share a set of interests, values or goals. The infrastructure can be private flats or bungalows with a shared kitchen, pool, working spaces or yoga shala. With the rise of remote working and digital nomads, coliving has become popular for entrepreneurs and startups to find a vibe that caters to their needs.

Why Eco Coliving Is Important?

Every human being is an immigrant to planet Earth. As a guest to this material realm, it’s your duty to care about what you doing and the impact you’re having on the state of the Earth’s declining health.

As a yogi, living a more sustainable lifestyle is adhering to eight limbs of yoga.

Let’s be honest, even the most natural destinations on this planet have now become extinct as rapid building and construction boom has swept in. Turning massive green areas into concrete jungles full of pollution, plastic strewn about in rivers and danger zones for members of the animal kingdom who face the reality of being run over in the middle of the street as they go about their daily lives.

Remember the memories of playing with friends in the nature? Eco coliving is important because it encourages a more sustainable and independent way of living.

Setting up a patch of land devoted to harvesting your own fruits and vegetables, not only benefits the community but could be a source of income if you share with the larger community.

During times like the pandemic, growing your own food means you’re no longer relying on external factors but rather taking back you’re power. Not to mention the fun playing in the soil and discovering all the creatures that pass by.

For yogis, living in an eco coliving environment means that you’re supporting sustainable business practices that protects the planet, supports the other species and ensures the future of human life. Who doesn’t enjoy a fresh green surrounding while on the mat?

Explore Ubuntu Bali’s eco coliving yoga retreat in Canggu if you’re looking for like-minded yogis who put sustainability first. See you on the mat.


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