3 Secret Techniques For Sustainable Spiritual Growth

ubuntu bali yoga retreat spiritual growth

Believe it or not, we all have periods where our spiritual growth stagnates – moments of doubt and depression, losing something dear to us, creating unreachable goals and missing the mark or reaching a crossroads in life.

Sustaining one’s quest for continued spiritual growth can be emotionally and mentally exhausting, especially when we dig into those dark parts that require focus and work.

The good news is that you can enjoy the ride while in the midst of the storm with these three secret techniques for sustainable spiritual growth.

Forgiveness As A Daily Meditation

Challenge yourself. We all cling to even the smallest remnants of unresolved issues that have taken root in our cells. In order to grow beyond the limits of what you believe is possible will require changing old stories into new ones.

By far the hardest, forgiveness is the number secret sauce to moving mountains when it comes to spiritual growth.

During your morning meditation try visualising a different person or situation. Invite them to sit with you. Express what concerns or stories that you still have that needs clearing. Then pause. In the silence listen to what the other shows you in your meditation as their response. Listen with an open heart. There’s always two sides to every story. Once completed, take your heart back and return their heart.

With this, you have wiped the slate clean. To end the meditation, create a new story. Making this a daily practice will allow you to grow and heal with love.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

When it comes to spiritual growth, there are times when you have to challenge yourself and confront issues that keep showing up in your life.

For the writer, communication is a tough one. No matter which way I run, the Divine Source always puts me in a position where I have to face this lingering yet important component. Communication is how we relate to others. It requires patience and understanding, especially in relationships.

Instead of feeling like a rat stuck in a cage running in ciricles, why not tackle the hard bits and soar like an eagle? Stepping outside of your comfort zones can be fun if you find creative ways to see each situation as a project rather than a chore.

Sprinkle Gratitude In Your Meditation

Gratitude is by far the icing on the cake. Visualising all the obstacles you’ve already overcome allows you to realise your inner greatness.

New doors in every area of your life will open. This simple act helps to activate your connection to your higher self, which is the ideal state to experience and witness joy.

Before starting your yoga practice or upon finishing, express gratitude to your body for not giving up, especially during those periods where you weren’t mindful of what it needed from you.

And there you have it. So what are you waiting for?

Time to bring some sustainable practices into your daily habits and watch your spiritual growth not only become maintainable but fun.


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