Yoga Bali Lifestyle Blog

How To Live A Yogic Lifestyle

The yogic lifestyle is about living consciously. Developing a practice based on a deep understanding of Yogic philosophies will allow you to create a harmonious balance between mind, body and spirit. Here you’ll find tips and ideas to aide you in your journey.

damien de bastier damien de bastier

How Yoga & Community Deepens Your Practice

For some, living in a community sounds exciting. For others, it challenges our comfort zones when it comes to privacy and individuality. Just like in that asana that asks us to breathe into the pain, there is beauty when we use our discomfort zone to our advantage. Here’s how we can deepen our practice in a community of yogis.

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damien de bastier damien de bastier

Yoga & Psychology: Become Friends with Your Mind

Our beloved mind and the numerous stories that run rampant in our thoughts throughout any given day. No one is immune. Not even yogis. So how do we develop a loving relationship with our minds? In this article, guest author Charlotte Skogsberg shares how.

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Ways To Revive A Stale Yoga Practice

Like a relationship with an old lover, you’ve lost the passion for your yoga practice and now you’re looking for ways to rekindle the fire. If this has happened, then this article is for you.

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damien de bastier damien de bastier

Exploring The Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Yoga Poses

Let’s keep it real. Even the most devout yogi has those days when their mind convinces them to skip yoga practice. We’ve all been there. It’s part of the process. So how do we overcome those blocks? What can a yogi do to get back into their groove? Surya Namaskar will get your flow on and with benefits.

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damien de bastier damien de bastier

What is Mysore-Style Ashtanga Yoga?

Mysore self-practice is the traditional way of practising ashtanga yoga and offers a highly personalised approach. Enjoy the benefits of one-on-one teaching as you develop your own flow in your own time.

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Yoga As Your Morning Prayer

What does your morning routine look like? Do you have rituals that helps you set intentions for the day? Well, if you have yet to create a morning flow that is prayerful and a way to infuse your day, then this article is for you.

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Everyday Ubuntu: Living Better Together, The African Way

In Everyday Ubuntu: Living Better Together, The African Way, author Mungi Ngomane shares how embodying this ancient African proverb inspires a more harmonious way of life. In this article, we share 14 lessons to bring into your yoga practice today.

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Ubuntu Bali Series: Meet Our Yogis

Ubuntu Bali’s yoga shala hosts a melting pot of yogis from around the world. We are grateful for all the knowledge and positive energy that they have brought into our lives. For the love of community and to honour these beautiful souls, we bring you a series of interviews about how they started their path of yoga.

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Heal Your Venus With Smiling and Yoga

Do you ever wish you had a healing button every time you feel off balanced or stuck? In this article we’ll break down what is the aura, how the planet Venus affects your life, and how yoga and smiling will give you the rapid transformation you’re looking for.

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11 Yoga Quotes To Inspire Balance In Your Practice

The practice of yoga only becomes effective when you start implementing the wisdom and knowledge obtained, into your daily life. These 11 yoga quotes on balance can help to inspire bringing a more wholesome approach to your lifestyle.

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Your Mind Is A Weapon & Yoga Can Sharpen The Blade

Believe it or not, we’re currently in a spiritual war with all the stimuli and fear spreading surrounding the pandemic. Yogis are far from immune to all the propaganda. With a strong practice you step into the battlefield prepared. In this article, you’ll see how.

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damien de bastier damien de bastier

How Ayurveda Can Compliment Your Yoga Practice

Your body knows what it requires to be happy, healthy, and radiant. Discover how Ayurveda medicine can compliment your yoga practice in ways that can help reawaken your energy healing capacities and improve your well-being.

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Self-Care For Health & Well-being

Self care is about the conscious things we do on a daily basis to maintain positive mindset, the foods we consume, keeping our bodies active, spending time in nature and surrounding ourselves with others who respect themselves as well as others.

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The Healing Art of Yoga

Many see the yoga mat as way to deal with emotional trauma, disease, physical disability, grief and wounds about self-esteem. In this articles, you’ll discover the how yoga heals, why developing a practice is key to self love and how the practice of yoga tunes you into your emotions and body.

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Yogic Practice: Navigate Better With Hard Times

Yogic philosophy gives us the tools necessary to live harmoniously with our thoughts during hard times. When you take your yoga practice with you off the mat, you can shift and change how you navigate life's storms.

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What Is The Somatics Approach To Yoga?

Another typical day where you show up to the mat and do a series of movements. During that intimate time with yourself, did you take time to sense how you feel in each asana and experience the movements? Taking a somatics approach to yoga can strengthen your practice, giving you new tools to deepen your mind-body connection.

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