Everyday Ubuntu: Living Better Together, The African Way


Feelings of pride and gratitude consume one’s being when we know that the wisdom passed down to us from our ancestors becomes a way of life.

For those of us who follow traditional spiritual practices, we know that our ancestors are now living through us. Preserving their teachings pays homage and respect to their legacy.

In Everyday Ubuntu: Living Better Together, The African Way, author Mungi Ngomane shares how embodying this ancient African proverb inspires a more harmonious way of life. In this article, we share 14 lessons to bring into your yoga practice today.

Ubuntu is a way of life from which we can all learn. Originating from a Southern African philosophy, it encompasses all our aspirations about how to live life well, together. I have often said that the idea and practice of ubuntu is one of Africa’s greatest gifts to the world.
— Mungi Ngomane

It’s easy to get caught up in the stories and dramas that clouds reality. There’s always someone around having a tougher time than you.

Actions speak louder than words. Better to show your appreciation to others before it’s too late and they’re gone.

Community isn’t a business. Creating a community means that you intend to actively be apart of the community. Remember, yoga happens on the way to the mat.

14 Lessons To Bring Ubuntu Into Your Yoga Practice

  1. See yourself in other people: Open your eyes and look into those of your fellow human beings.

  2. Strength lies in unity: We all have wants and desires, but the most likely way of reaching our destination or goal is to join forces with those around us.

  3. Put yourself in the shoes of others: Talk to the people with whom you disagree. Imagine for a moment why they think like they do. Consider what events might have led a person to having a different viewpoint to your own.

  4. Choose to see the wider perspective: Open your mind and enquire about every angle. Seek out truth and understanding rather than deciding ‘my way or the highway!’ A limited view of events isolates us and keeps us small.

  5. Have dignity and respect for yourself and others: Having respect for oneself is an inside job and something to nurture. Decide to afford others the same respect. If we refuse to show others dignity we take it away from ourselves too.

  6. Believe in the good of everyone: If you look for the good in someone you will find it, and inspire and encourage others to feel good about themselves.

  7. Choose hope over optimism: A hopeful nature is not a stupid or naive one. It’s a wonderful gift for yourself. Ubuntu shows us we all need hope in our lives, so spread it from your own life outward.

  8. Seek out ways to connect: It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert, human beings are designed to thrive together. Strong relationships will give us more pleasure than any amount of money or number of material things ever could.

  9. The power of the F-word - forgiveness: There is something or someone we all habour a grudge against, either openly or secretly. Forgiving is about relieving the burden on ourselves and other people.

  10. Embrace our diversity: As a species, human beings have one thing in common - our differences. Look around you today and see how many cultures, talents, opinions and experiences help shape our world.

  11. Acknowledge reality: If we don’t accept the truth of where we are, we won’t be able to navigate to where we want to be. Fully accepting and even embracing what is happening today can help us change tomorrow for the better.

  12. Find the humour in our humanity: There is no better way to feel ubuntu in our lives then through the power of laughter. Spotting the humour in a situation is a precious gift, one we should encourage every day.

  13. Why little things make a big difference: Take heart that you matter, and the way you choose to live does too. Especially when it comes to the environment and our personal conduct, every little act adds up.

  14. Learn to listen so that you can hear: When it comes to ubuntu, good communication is the basis of making the strong connections we all need.


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