Your Mind Is A Weapon & Yoga Can Sharpen The Blade

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.
— Khalil Gibran

Your mind creates your reality.

Believe it or not, we’re currently in a spiritual war with all the stimuli and fear spreading surrounding the pandemic. Yogis are far from immune to all the propaganda. With a strong practice you step into the battlefield prepared and ready to change reality with your mind like a tai chi master.

In this article, you’ll see how.

First Battle: Morning Yoga Practice

You go to bed excited. You’ve told yourself that tomorrow you’re going to get up and start that yoga practice you’ve been talking about for ages. You set the alarm and then morning comes. You hit the snooze button. Not once but several times. Why? Well, you need a bit more sleep. After all, more rest means self-care or so you tell yourself.

And with that, you’ve just lost the battle.

The power of the mind is beyond our current awareness. But lets be honest, it’s a tricky fella. Your mind is the first battle we face. Establishing a strong yoga practice is what sharpens the blade of your weapon - your mind.

So, you hit the snooze button and wake up late. Now you’re grumpy because you’re late for work. Quick shower and breakfast before hitting the rush hour traffic. Someone just cut you off, steals the parking spot you had your eyes on and now your boss, client or friend is coming at you like a muay thai match. Anger sets in.

3 Yogic Practices To Prepare For Battle

Energy seems to flow harmoniously in and around you when you settle and get grounded in your being. The heart-mind connection comes naturally as you tune into the universal rhythms of the earth.


Developing an early morning practice of asanas allows the body to awaken. It also allow you to get into your body and listen to needs of the body. This time can be likened to an intimate meeting with your lover.


Practicing pranayama relieves stress and cleans up the mind. It also sharpens your focus and concentration as it prepares the mind for stillness.


Ending your yoga practice with meditation after the stillness has settled in allow your to witness the movement of the mind when the body is still. This is a great time to tune into your intuition or set intentions.

Thought Power: Create Your Reality

Sharpening the blade on your most important weapon allows you to get clear on how you want your day to unfold. You’re able to handle whatever life throws throughout the day with ease and grace. Starting your morning off with a strong yoga practice also means that you won the first battle of the day.

Given the reality that you’re also competing with other people’s intentions – both good and bad - means that you need to be focused because the universe will respond accordingly. Hopefully, like a great film director, you would have already made your movie before the sun comes up.


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