5 Simple Ways Yogis Can Embrace a Sustainable Lifestyle

yoga sustainable lifestyle ubuntu bali

As someone who is following the yogic path, what are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint on our beloved Earth?

Here’s some facts: Indonesia is the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, causing the environment, the economy, population and health to be vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Imagine the amount of waste created during high tourist seasons.

You may already be doing your part but there is always room for improvement. To help you live a more sustainable lifestyle, here are 5 simple ways to live more natural and greener.

What Is Sustainable Living?

Sustainable living is about living in harmony and balance with our environment. Nature provides so much but over consumption has created a depletion in resources. Without human interference, the Earth’s life-supporting systems would naturally provide a stable climate change, fertile sols and a protective ozone layer.

According to Sustainable Jungle, “Sustainable living is a practical philosophy that aims to reduce personal and societal environmental impact by making positive changes which counteract climate change and other negative environmental concerns. It encourages people to minimise their use of Earth’s resources and reduce the damage of human and environmental interactions.”

Eco-Friendly, Non-toxic Yoga Mats

One’s yoga practice is an opportunity to reflect on self-improvement and meditate on our actions impact the world around us daily. With that said, it’s time to toss that plastic coloured mat - which is potentially harmful to your health - and embrace a more eco-friendly yoga mat for your practice.

Embrace Sustainable Yoga Fashion

Support fashion brands that are ethical and environmentally consciousness. Most likely, these are created by yogis who are passionate about following sustainable business practices. This means that your attire isn’t prodiced in a factory but rather by local artisans which are paid and treated fairly.

It may cost a bit more but you’ll rest well knowing that you’re sporting organic clothing made from sustainable materials.

Drive Less

Even if it’s not close, walk or ride a bike to your next destination. When I lived in Bangkok, I used to walk two hours each way to work each day. On rainy days, I opted for the local bus. This is great exercise and a way to bring moving meditation into your daily practice.

Recycle and Reuse

Opt to bring a recycling system into your home or workplace so that your rubbish is handled more sustainably. Plastic bottles are great for making chairs and tables. Fill them up with the plastic bags for depth and you’re business.

Sustainable Technology

Did you know that you can use solar energy chargers for your smartphones and tablets? Need batteries? Buy the rechargeable ones instead. When you’re ready to dispose of your devices or computers, recycle them by donating them to schools or better yet repair instead of buying a new one.

And there you have. Consisder these simple tips during your next meditation session.


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