3 Self-Coaching Skills For A More Holistic Life

holistic life coaching skills ubuntu bali

I get it. You’re passionate about serving others but are you investing the same amount of time in serving yourself? Lets keep it real. In order to help your clients thrive, you need to bring balance and calm into your own life first. Here are 3 self-coaching skills to practice to live a more holistic life.

Detox Your Past

When it comes to our ashtanga yoga practice there are some beautiful kriyas that aide the yogi in ridding the body of yesterday’s toxins.

When it comes to your life, a monthly detox may be in order. Clinging to the past, clouds your present moment.

If you want to uncover the hidden toxins that are keeping you stagnant then de-clutter your life. Try to detox certain areas of your life so that you can release the pain and step unapologetically into a new story.

Letting go of attachments and wiping the slate clean gives you a blank canvas. The process will give you an opportunity to relinquish an outdated image of yourself and develop a more authentic portrait of what you want for your future.

Conscious Listening

Human beings are always on the move. Reacting to every situation that arises rather than taking a moment to feel and listen.

The Divine is a clever teacher. In my opinion, it follows an Eastern approach in that it is always showing you where you need to change in order to grow. Sadly, most fail to listen to the signs and patterns that show up in our lives.

Nurturing an approach of conscious listening will allow you to let go and let ‘the Divine’. Judgements that you hold about yourself will lessen its chatter allowing you to be guided by higher wisdom. Once you surrender to your breath, you’ll be able to trust the unknown.

Discovering the lesson without any judgements or stories brings about a more holistic result in awareness when you listen consciously along your self-coaching journey.

Be Open To Change

The asana practice teaches us to be flexible. However, when off the mat, being flexible to change in daily life tends to be a challenge.

For true transformation to come forth, you must be willing to tackle the root of any stagnation in your emotional, mental, physical or spiritual life. Through self-reflection and becoming aware of your inner world, you’ll be able to handle change with more ease and grace.

All of life is music. As seasons change, your life should be open for any lessons or blessings to flow freely like your prana as you move through your morning yoga practice.

If you practice these three life-coaching skills as a new moon ritual, you’ll be able to lead others through their change.


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