What Is Eco-Friendly and 5 Ways to Bring It Into Your Wellness Business?

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With the reality of climate change, now more than ever is the time for holistic practitioners and wellness businesses to embrace an eco-friendly lifestyle. Let’s discover what eco-friendly means, and find out some simple ways to bring sustainable practices into your business.

What Does Eco-Friendly Mean?

Eco is slang for ecology, which is the system of relationships between living things and their environment. Friendly is when you’re benefiting rather than harming.

As a yoga practitioner, everyday when you step on the mat - you do it with intent. In doing so, you’re creating the prayer and focus for your flow.

Being eco-friendly is that act of living with intent. It goes beyond separating your rubbish and turning off your lights and is about living with purpose.

That said, if your in the business of wellness or holistic modalities then here are some ideas to conduct yourself in a way that is filled with sustainable intent.

Invest In Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Most cleaning products contain chemicals that are not only harmful to the environment and the planet’s biodiversity but it’s also not ideal when it comes to respecting the health of your clients.

Investing in products that contain sustainably grown ingredients that do not deplete the ecosystem sets the intent that you’re taking holistic and wellness practices seriously.

Use All Natural Products

If you’re in the bodywork business, ensure that the oils come a reliable source. Opt for products that are not toxic. With this, set the intent that your clients health comes first.

Massage products that are made from the earth offers healing after affects for the skin. It only takes a few adjustments but make sure the changes are long-term and sustainable so that new habits are formed.

Use Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper & Wash Cloths

Where would the earth be without our beloved trees? Did you know that it requires at least 17 trees and 90,921 of water for a tonne of paper rolls?

Businesses use a lot of toilet paper in a given day and it’s not a sustainable habit. Perhaps an alternative could be to look into toilet paper made out of bamboo. Replace those paper towels in the bathrooms with wash cloths.

Be More Mindful with E-Receipts

When someone signs up for a package or classes, the more mindful option would be to issue e-receipts via email rather than paper. If your place of business has a lot of foot traffic than this could be a solution to saving our precious trees.

Establish Waste Management Stations

Let’s be honest. It’s up to you as a holistic practitioner to train your customers. This means setting up ways that directs new habits.

When it comes to your rubbish, have those lovely bins for organic, plastic and paper set up around your workplace. This will get not only your customers but also your staff into a more eco-friendly mindset.


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