Yoga Bali Lifestyle Blog
How To Live A Yogic Lifestyle
The yogic lifestyle is about living consciously. Developing a practice based on a deep understanding of Yogic philosophies will allow you to create a harmonious balance between mind, body and spirit. Here you’ll find tips and ideas to aide you in your journey.
Yin Yoga: 5 Influencer Wellness Blogs Share Their Best Poses & Benefits
Yin yoga is a great way to wind the mind down if you ever find yourself in competitive mode when it comes to your practice. This slow, gentle and restorative style of yoga offers many benefits. In this post, discover poses to implement into your practice today.
15 Powerful Meditation Quotes For Mindfulness & Yoga
Yoga, which is a moving meditation, allows us to turn inward and awaken the true nature of our being. Bring some intention and inspiration into your practice with these powerful meditation quotes.
Heal Your Venus With Smiling and Yoga
Do you ever wish you had a healing button every time you feel off balanced or stuck? In this article we’ll break down what is the aura, how the planet Venus affects your life, and how yoga and smiling will give you the rapid transformation you’re looking for.
11 Yoga Quotes To Inspire Balance In Your Practice
The practice of yoga only becomes effective when you start implementing the wisdom and knowledge obtained, into your daily life. These 11 yoga quotes on balance can help to inspire bringing a more wholesome approach to your lifestyle.
Your Mind Is A Weapon & Yoga Can Sharpen The Blade
Believe it or not, we’re currently in a spiritual war with all the stimuli and fear spreading surrounding the pandemic. Yogis are far from immune to all the propaganda. With a strong practice you step into the battlefield prepared. In this article, you’ll see how.
How Ayurveda Can Compliment Your Yoga Practice
Your body knows what it requires to be happy, healthy, and radiant. Discover how Ayurveda medicine can compliment your yoga practice in ways that can help reawaken your energy healing capacities and improve your well-being.
Self-Care For Health & Well-being
Self care is about the conscious things we do on a daily basis to maintain positive mindset, the foods we consume, keeping our bodies active, spending time in nature and surrounding ourselves with others who respect themselves as well as others.
The Healing Art of Yoga
Many see the yoga mat as way to deal with emotional trauma, disease, physical disability, grief and wounds about self-esteem. In this articles, you’ll discover the how yoga heals, why developing a practice is key to self love and how the practice of yoga tunes you into your emotions and body.
Yogic Practice: Navigate Better With Hard Times
Yogic philosophy gives us the tools necessary to live harmoniously with our thoughts during hard times. When you take your yoga practice with you off the mat, you can shift and change how you navigate life's storms.
What Is The Somatics Approach To Yoga?
Another typical day where you show up to the mat and do a series of movements. During that intimate time with yourself, did you take time to sense how you feel in each asana and experience the movements? Taking a somatics approach to yoga can strengthen your practice, giving you new tools to deepen your mind-body connection.
Reasons Why Being Connected To A Tribe Or Community Is Holistic
The world passes by and we stay disconnected from our direct surrounding and environment. Little time is taken to look up smile at the person across from us, as we are engulfed into the online chat with our friends.
Mindful Ashtanga: The Psychology of Yoga
Yoga is a psychology—the whole practice helps us work with the nature of the mind, the nature of being a human, how our emotions are stored in our bodies, how they affect our behaviour and the actions that we take in the world.
Why Beginners Shouldn’t Fear Ashtanga Yoga
Eager to get your tights on and join in on the fun, you hesitate. Why? Beginner syndrome creeps in and the mind doubts that this is for you. Well have no fear. We’re here to share some reasons why Ashtanga yoga is perfect for beginners.
Seeking Beauty In Your Yoga Practice Wastes Money. Here’s Why
Ubuntu Bali advocates a holistic approach to yoga. Where, over time, the breath and mind unify as Ashtanga practice becomes a meditation in motion. Allowing us to surrender our ‘ego’, cultivate a wholesome relationship with the self and move beyond our limitations into a whole new way of experiencing life.
Ashtanga Yoga: Embracing The Yogic Path
For beginner yogis, embarking on the path of yoga often starts as a love and hate relationship. Despite hearing about all the benefits of yoga and establishing a regular practice, one struggles with the lifestyle changes required to fully commit to oneself. Ubuntu Bali founder Andrea shares her journey to becoming a yoga teacher.
What Is Life Coaching? Holistic Tools For Spiritual Growth
Your limiting beliefs sabotage your every move. You’ve done enough meditation and yoga poses to stretch yourself into a pretzel. Why? Oftentimes, one needs an outside and unbiased view from a different lens to aide in reprogramming the mind, thoughts and patterns. This is where a transformational life coach comes in handy.
Ubuntu Bali: Sustainable Eco Yoga Retreat
Imagine that living in harmony with nature, the universe and all beings. Imagine unconditional love and oneness with the self and others. Imagine a community of like-minded beings moving towards a unified goal. This is Ubuntu Bali.
Interview with Damien de Bastier
I explored many different approaches and styles but always kept Ashtanga as my main practice. The human teachers that inspired me on my journey are my uncle, Pattabhi Jois, Richard Freeman, Tim Miller and Larry Shultz.
Tri Hita Karana: Bali’s Life Wisdom
Tri Hita Karana has long been recognised and practiced among the Balinese for its indigenous wisdom to bring about harmonious relationships amongst humanity, god and our surrounding environment.
The Art Of Maintaining Your Practice
Whatever it is we practice, at first we need to show up and practice. With enthusiasm, for a long time and without interruption. We do the practice until the practice starts to do us and extends outside of our discipline of choice into a continuous awareness.