Ubuntu Bali: Sustainable Eco Yoga Retreat


Imagine living in harmony with nature, the universe and all beings. Imagine unconditional love and oneness with the self and others. Imagine a community of like-minded beings moving towards a unified goal. This is Ubuntu Bali.

Yoga is a holistic practice, one of the components is taking good care of ourselves.

Another component is taking care of each other and our environment.

It’s been nearly 18 months since the global pandemic made its impact on the world. Isolation forced many to look within. It also sparked a realisation of our innate desire for connectedness.

As the planet continues to cleanse itself, raise the global vibration and consciousness; it is also asking us to re-define how we do business.

Ubuntu Bali is based on sacred economics where community, the environment and the spirits are supported and nourished.

Sustainable Business Practices

Being eco-friendly means living in a way that is not harmful to the environment.

This way of life is becoming increasingly important, as we need to protect our planet from man-made damage.

There are various ways that business owners in Bali can make sustainable design changes in order to lessen the negative environmental impact on the Island of Gods.

We live sustainably, and we want to inspire others to do the same.

For instance, our organic waste is given to the local Banjar’s composting facilities. Any remaining trash is taken away by the waste management company Eco-Bali.

As responsible business owners and yogis, we do everything possible to avoid waste. We try to follow the 5R’s method of managing waste: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and rot.

There is a lot of changes happening and a lot of awareness. We can’t become perfect in seconds, but we keep thinking positive. We look forward to seeing how to contribute rather than waiting for the change to happen.

In the future, Ubuntu Bali hopes to create more dialogue, especially with the locals, about living a more sustainable and conscious lifestyle.


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