What Is Life Coaching? Holistic Tools For Spiritual Growth


Written By: Andréa Drottholm

Energetically, the earth is at a crossroads. A transitional period where the temporal steps aside to make way for a more spiritual new earth. With its great ancient wisdom of inner alchemy and Tai Chi, the earth has a clever way of purging what is no longer needed as it continues to make it known to human being. We are a force to be reckon with.

Humans come from the earth. Learning from the master takes humility and patience. It’s not the path for many. Instead, seeking out another human who has experience transforming their inner demons to harmonise with the true expression of the self can fast track your spiritual growth.

Your limiting beliefs sabotage your every move. You’ve done enough meditation and yoga poses to stretch yourself into a pretzel. Why? Oftentimes, one needs an outside and unbiased view from a different lens to aide in reprogramming the mind, thoughts and patterns. This is where a transformational life coach comes in handy.

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching hold tools to gain clarity when we feel stuck. As the word proposes it can be anything related to life, career, health, relationships, our immediate environment, finances etc.

Its not therapy, the focus is not on the past but on the future, how to move forward with clear steps. A transformation life coach takes a more holistic approach so that the wellness of the entire being comes into alignment.

How does transformation work with a life coach?

First of all coaching is not about me telling people how to live their lives. Only the client knows that, I just facilitate a safe space, where I ask questions, to go deeper within for answers.

Usually when we are stuck its because we have created obstacles for ourselves, which can be belief systems, values and self sabotage. More often then not its self doubt that speaks and undermine our capabilities.

We will look at what that voice in our head is saying and why, how its relevant to our current situation.

More often then not, its an old pattern or belief that plays out and does not serve you anymore.

We start a session by setting an intention for the session, we then look at what is happening and holding you back, to then how you can move forward.

Its amazing how we hold on to something that is stopping us, and how easy it can be to release it in order to gain confidence and bring us to where we want to be.

Who signs up for life coaching sessions?

The clients I get are people who feel stuck. Their journey has brought them to the crossroad. Perhaps you’re finally recognising the signs and you’re ready to get out of the matrix and completely change your life, profession, move to another country, leave your current relationship or start a new one.

I also work with people who are setting up their businesses, we work out steps on how to get it all going, business plan, etc.

Do you have suggestions on what can be done in situations when we are stuck?

I truly believe core values are extremely important, to know what our values are and how they play out or do not play out in our lives. When we compromise our values we are usually off balance, away from what is our inner balance.

There are many online exercises to do in order to find out what your values are.

Ones you have determined this you can check if these values are active in your life, if some are not then you need to look at why that is? What is holding you back from living your life to its full potential?

It is such an important insight to have, to know and come back to revisit our list of values when we are off balance. Which one of my values is not present in my life right now, what do I need to do to bring it back?

What else is important to live a balance life?

Discipline, having a daily routine that involves nourishing our health, mind and spirit.

For me that would be my yoga, chanting, meditation practice first thing in the morning.

This is for me an essential part of my day, to ground my energy and clear my head before I set out to do my “work”.

I say “work” as its really not work, I do what I love, I teach yoga, I create yoga clothes and jewellery, I manage Ubuntu Bali where I meet so many interesting people from all over the world. To be fulfilled with what we do we have to chose how we spend our days, what inspires us, follow that voice of the heart that guides us to the right places.

I eat healthy, as I am in tune with my body, I know what food works well for me and what does not, food is thy medicine. When we eat well, we feel good, light and energetic.

The environment we choose to be in, who we surround ourselves with, friends that bring us joy and inspiration, living in a place that offers what you need. I choose to live close to nature. I used to be a city girl, 11 years in Barcelona, it was fun and fulfilling at the time, now I need a green surrounding, fresh air, sounds of nature and peaceful living.

Recognising what and why we have aspects in our life that does not work for us, and how we have the power to change it.

How does one create a life of a dream? Or is it luck?

I get asked this question a lot. I am not sure it was luck, possibly some of it, or just being in the right place at the right moment. Though I feel its more to do with clarity.

Being very clear with what I wanted in my life, writing it down and visualising it.

For me the dreams have been realised, I would say almost all of them. The ones that were not realised, I now see why and for what reason.

Its important to have dreams, being realistic about them, write them down, to gain clarity of what we want and then create steps on how to make it happen.

This is how it always worked for me. I was not even conscious about it, it was just a dream in my head, being a Pisces, I am a natural dreamer. I love to write, so I would write my dreams down, then slowly work towards it. This was the lottery ticket formula that kept me moving towards my goal. Knowing what I want and why I was doing what I was doing has allowed me to realise my dreams, over and over again.

A self-love tip is to allow yourself to return to that playful child state. Let your imagination run wild and dream, be clear, write it down, take action and trust the process!

AND if it does not happen, be open to other opportunities. Life can be a bit like chess. As you keep making your moves, an outside influence with come in to challenge your beliefs which could change your course. So always be in that meditative state of letting the gifts unfold.

Blockages can be saviours. Perhaps, at that time, you weren’t ready so it takes a little longer to reach your destination, or maybe the Universe has a better surprise.


Life On Your Terms

Are you ready to create deep and lasting change in your inner programming? Ready to upgrade your mindset and life? Book a session with one of Ubuntu Bali’s wellness and transformation coaches today.


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