A Guide to Find Balance Between Strength and Flexibility in Your Yoga Practice
Ubuntu Yoga Eco Retreat
For dedicated yogis who come to Ubuntu Yoga Eco Retreat Bali, a common aim is discovering harmony between building strength and increasing flexibility. However, persistent myths around combining strength and flexibility can cloud understanding of how to properly cultivate these attributes together. By examining common misconceptions and providing examples of integrating strength and flexibility training, we can better grasp their complementary roles in a balanced yoga practice.
Dispelling Myths
One myth is that flexibility and strength are incompatible, and that becoming more “stretchy” undermines strength gains. However, research indicates this is false, improving flexibility does not hinder increases in strength. A review of numerous studies found flexibility training, even intense stretching, had no negative impacts on maximal strength. Enhanced range of motion can even complement strength training by allowing for greater mobility and injury prevention. With proper rest between training sessions, the body adapts to both strength and flexibility work.
Another misconception is that strength training invariably shortens muscles and reduces flexibility. Bodybuilders who isolate single muscles or joints can indeed experience a decreased range of motion. However, most balanced strength training programs that involve multiple muscles and joints provide stability without limiting mobility. Research shows that full-body compound movements, like squats, overhead presses, and deadlifts, do not reduce flexibility. What more often decreases flexibility is the accumulation of soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue in muscles and around joints. Dedicated, gentle stretching along with massage and mobility work can address these accumulated tissues and restrictions.
When it comes to yoga, some assume it only enhances flexibility without building any real strength. While it is true yoga improves range of motion, studies show regular yoga practice also develops muscular strength. A review found yoga significantly increased upper and lower body muscular strength from baseline. Poses like planks, side planks, Chaturanga, and standing balances offer opportunities to progressively load muscles. The key is proper anatomical alignment, this allows yogis to strengthen muscles through their fullest range of motion without injury or overstretching.
Examples and Tips for Integrating Strength and Flexibility
So how can yogis at Ubuntu best integrate strength and flexibility training for optimal results?
Here are some examples and tips:
Alternate strength-focused and flexibility-focused yoga sessions.
Dedicate certain practices to holding poses longer to increase passive stretching and range of motion. On other days, focus on mastering more advanced poses requiring muscular strength.
Flow through vinyasas with added repetitions.
Increase strength by flowing through multiple Chaturanga-Urdhva Mukha Svanasana repetitions. Add Dolphin Planks before Downward Dog to build shoulder stability.
Practice focused strength postures.
Include repetitive strength postures like Crow Pose, Side Crow, and Standing Splits to directly strengthen the core, arms, and legs.
Follow strength work with deep stretching.
After strength sessions or vigorous classes, be sure to stretch areas like hips, hamstrings, and shoulders. This helps muscles lengthen after contracting.
Use props to find a maximum range of motion.
Blocks, bolsters, and straps can allow deeper stretching and range of motion gains without overexerting.
Massage and foam roll regularly.
Self-myofascial release helps reduce accumulated fascial adhesions and restore elasticity to connective tissues.
Following these tips can help yogis properly balance strength and flexibility. But remember, finding perfect harmony between these attributes requires patience and deep listening to your body’s needs day-to-day. Our expert teachers at Ubuntu are here to guide you on this journey with personalized attention. Join our retreat community to fully integrate strength and flexibility into a cohesive yoga practice.