Why You Should Add 5 Tibetan Rites to Your Yoga Practise


If you’re looking to add something new to your yoga practise, consider adding the 5 Tibetan rites. It's an ancient practise that works with the body's chakras and meridians to increase energy and vitality.

What are the 5 Tibetan Rites?

The 5 Tibetan rites, also known as the "Fountain of Youth," are a sequence of five dynamic movements which are designed to strengthen the body, rejuvenate the internal organs, eliminate fatigue and improve circulation.

The method was first publicised in 1939 in the book “The Eye of Revelation” by Peter Kelder and has since been adopted by many yoga practitioners for its health benefits.

Like Hatha yoga, it is said that practising Tibetan rites regularly activates the chakra system, harmonises the five elements, and while improves flexibility and strength throughout your body.

What are the Health Benefits of the 5 Tibetan Rites?

Increased circulation: these yogic exercises move blood through the body, improving circulation and helping to eliminate toxins. They also promote better sleep, which is good for your health and wellbeing.

Reversal of the aging process: As we age, our bodies become less flexible as a result of stiff joints and muscles that have lost their elasticity. The movements involved in these exercises help to reverse this process by increasing flexibility while strengthening muscles at the same time. This has been shown to improve arterial health as well as spinal flexibility and core strength.

Healthier digestion: By improving digestion through increased circulation throughout your digestive system, you are able to digest food more efficiently which will lead to greater energy levels throughout each day.

Improved mental clarity: When we're feeling sluggish or tired it can be hard for us focus - add these five simple exercises into your daily routine however (or even just once per week) and see how much better you feel afterwards.

How to do the 5 Tibetan Rites

First rite is twirling. Slowly start to spin in a clockwise direction keeping your arms up and your breath steady.

Second rite is leg raises. Lying on your back, place your hands alongside your hips. On the inhale, raise the legs and head straight up. With the exhale, lower to the floor.

Third rite is dynamic camel pose. Place your hands on the floor behind you with palms facing down; then slowly arch back so that your chest reaches towards the ceiling while keeping hips up high (don't let them drop).

Fourth rite is moving tabletop. It strengthens the abdominals, upper body, and upper legs. Start by sitting with legs stretched straight in front of you and your palms on the ground by your hips, fingers facing forward. As you inhale, raise your body to come into a reverse table pose, allowing your head to drop back while keeping the palms facing forward. Exhaling, slowly release to the ground.

Fifth rite is downward dog into upward dog where we'll move smoothly through these two poses seamlessly without stopping along way.

The 5 Tibetan rites are a great way to boost your health and wellbeing. They can be done anywhere, at any time and do not require any special equipment. They are also easy enough for anyone to learn quickly!


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