10 Tips To Survive a Yoga Retreat in Bali

yoga retreat in Bali 10 tips

Many people believe that if they just booked a yoga retreat in Bali, everything will fall into place – they will be automatically rejuvenated and transformed into another person. In truth, this is far from a reality.

A yoga retreat is an opportunity to clear your mind, focus on yourself and be more mindful in the moment. But it's also a chance to push yourself physically, have fun and let loose.

Here are ten practical tips to help you enjoy your stay at a yoga retreat in Bali.

Bring a Journal

This might seem like a weird suggestion, but trust me—you’re going to want to write down the things you learn on the retreat. You’ll also probably want to keep track of your thoughts and goals throughout the experience, so bringing a journal is easy way to do that. Plus, at the end of it all, your journal will give you something solid to take home with you beyond just photos and memories—it’s a little piece of your experience that you can always look back on for inspiration and reflection.

Be Prepared to Get Peeled

This is probably the hardest part of attending a retreat as it forces you into an introspective process. You will have to be honest about where you currently are, what you want to achieve, and what might be holding you back from achieving that. In order for real change to happen, you will need to face some demons that may be hiding in your subconscious. It’s important to remember that everyone around you is going through the same peeling process so don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed if something comes up during a group meditation or yoga class. One of the great benefits of going on a retreat is that everyone there wants you to be successful and overcome whatever challenges are holding you back. This can help people work through major issues in their life such as eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and addictions.

Make Heart Openers Your Best Friend

Doing a lot of heart openers and back bends will help you open up your chest area, increase flexibility, help with fatigue and reduce stress. Most likely you’ll be doing these poses at least once per class if not more depending on the style of the yoga classes.

Drink Lots of Water

Now that you’re all packed and ready to go, it’s wise to bring a reusable water bottle along with you on your trip. There are many advantages to bringing a reusable water bottle with you. You can fill up on water before going out for the day.

We all know Bali is humid throughout most of year so staying hydrated is extremely important! It’s recommend to carry around 1-2 litres of fluid per day, however this depends on personal preference and duration/destination of activities.

Pack with Purpose

While packing for your retreat, thinking about the activities you will be participating in is essential. Bring enough yoga clothes to last you the duration of your trip. Bring a reusable water bottle, small snacks and sunscreen if you need it. A backpack with pockets is great for carrying around your water bottle and snacks when exploring in between yoga classes. A comfortable pair of shoes are also necessary for walking around town or sightseeing during your downtime.

Bring a camera! You will see absolutely incredible sights on this journey and be surrounded by friendly people who would love their photo taken so they can remember this experience forever.

Be An Early Bird

Wake up at the crack of dawn. Most yoga retreats start their day with meditation and a 6am asana class (maybe even earlier). There are many benefits to rising early, such as:

  • You will be less tired during the day.

  • You will have more time in the afternoon to do what you really want to do, whether that be relaxing by the pool, going for a walk on the beach, or writing in your journal.

  • You will be able to sleep better at night.

  • You will have more energy throughout the whole day.

All this is leading you to being able to be more productive during your yoga retreat.

Book Well in Advance

Book well in advance: Many retreats operate on some sort of waiting list, so the earlier you book your dates, the better.

Prepare well ahead of time: The more physically and mentally prepared you are for your retreat, the more powerful an experience it will be. Mentally prepare yourself to be flexible and patient with yourself—yoga is a practice! It’s also an investment in both time and money. Finally, ask yourself if this retreat is right for you. Consider your current life situation before committing to a yoga retreat; withdrawing from things or people that don’t serve you is an important part of preparing for the experience.

Be Ready to Sweat

You’ll be doing a lot of yoga, so you will probably be sweating more than you expect. Post-yoga showers may not feel necessary after every practice, but at least your body will feel clean and ready to go for the next class or adventure! You’ll find that extra showers really help when you take them after an Ashtanga practice.

Come With A Beginners Mindset

Even if you’ve been practising yoga for years, take a moment to really open yourself up to new experiences. You might find that you still have a lot to learn! You might also discover new ways of looking at or approaching your practice that bring you greater clarity and understanding.

Be prepared for things to be different from what you’re expecting, especially if this is your first time on retreat. If something feels strange or uncomfortable, try not to judge it or shut it down immediately. Allow yourself just enough space and time in each moment—whether that means staying for the whole class, dinner, or another activity—to see how it feels after an hour or two rather than deciding right away that something isn’t going to work for you.

Your Yoga Retreat Will Be A Life Changing Experience

Your yoga retreat will be a life-changing experience. While there, you'll delve into an ancient spiritual practice that's been around for thousands of years, you'll expand your horizons and learn something new about yourself, and you'll get the chance to experience a different culture by living among the locals in what may be a very different climate.


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