What is Human Design? The Basics


Human Design is a method of self-understanding based on the observation of natural laws and mathematical principles. It is also a popular personality system concerned with what it calls the "natural divisions of personality."

The term "Human Design System" describes the methodology employed to characterise human personality types according to their relative orientation to universal energy sources, as well as their particular expression of those energies.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system of astrological mapping and analysis developed by a Canadian man named Ra Uru Hu, born Alan Robert Krakower.

It combines astrology, the I Ching (an ancient Chinese text), Kabbalah (a Jewish mystical tradition), quantum physics and Vedic philosophy.

The idea behind Human Design is that we are each born with an energetic blueprint that determines how we function within the world--and it's not a matter of chance or luck whether or not you'll be successful in life; your fate has been predetermined since before birth.

Human Design practitioners use this information to help people understand themselves better so they can make better choices about their lives: what jobs they should take on; what relationships will be most beneficial for them...you get the picture.

You can even use Human Design to gain insight into how to energetically work better with those around you.

How Does Human Design Work?

Human Design provides two main sets of tools, called Strategy and Authority.

Strategy is a doorway to living as yourself, affirming who you really are, and understanding and letting go of what you are not. Your Inner Authority is your body’s knowing or intelligence.

It gives you information about how to take care of yourself so that the right kind of energy flows through your body with ease. This is how we stay healthy in mind, body and spirit over time--by listening to our Inner Authority whenever possible.

Five Human Design Types

  • Manifestors naturally initiate and inform others of their decisions before taking action, which can make others feel off balance. When Manifestors share with others, this naturally relaxes those around them and removes energetic resistance, allowing them to initiate in peace. Manifestors can be an initiating catalyst for the other types, too.

  • Generators are the life force of the planet, who build things and make things happen. Their aura is open and enveloping, constantly pulling life to them. Their Strategy is to respond rather than initiate; when they do initiate from a mental place (instead of waiting for a response), they can end up feeling frustrated and degenerated rather than regenerated and satisfied in their life and work.

  • Projectors have a strategy of waiting for recognition and invitation. When they're recognised, they're here to be our most gifted guides. They need to learn how to be very discerning about engaging their energy with others. Projectors are natural at mastering systems, and when they use their energy correctly, will experience success in their life and relationships.

  • Reflectors have a resilient aura that reflects the energies around them. Because they process experience differently than other types, Reflectors can see things no one else can. Their greatest gift is to read others and their environments. When they're healthy and in the right place, Reflectors experience life's wonders and surprises. But if they become overwhelmed by what they're mirroring, they can become exhausted and disappointed.

  • Manifesting Generators are here to use their energy creating and building what they want, just like a Manifestor. They're also designed to be trailblazers and super impactful.

We hope you've enjoyed learning the basics of Human Design. If you want to learn more about this fascinating system, check out our upcoming Human Design workshop.


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