What is Ecstatic Dance?

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Ecstatic dance is a specific type of dance that focuses on the experience and sensations of the dancer. A dancer may use ecstatic dance for personal growth, to connect with others, or simply to express their feelings through movement.

Ecstatic Dance is a Form of Dance Therapy

Ecstatic dance can be used as a form of meditation, prayer, physical therapy and even therapy. The movements are created by the body which allows it to create its own steps and movements. The purpose is to get into the rhythm of the music and allow yourself to freely express yourself with no judgement or boundaries.

This type of dance therapy can be used to help people get in touch with their emotions and physical movements. It is practised by many people, including those who are experiencing emotional or physical pain. Individuals are able to relax and clear their minds of any thoughts that may be causing them stress or anxiety.

Ecstatic dance differs from other dances in that it's not about technique or precision; instead, it's an experience of being present in your body while simultaneously letting go of all expectations around what you should look like doing the dance. The movements flow naturally from one to another without pause -- they aren't steps so much as they are motions inspired by your inner state at the moment.

In a nutshell, ecstatic dance is a non-verbal form of communication. It's also somewhat similar to dance therapy, but is much less structured, in that there's no specific agenda for the dancer to explore, or goals to achieve during the dance.

Embrace your Emotions

Ecstatic dance allows us to move through our feelings in a safe space. It helps us process pain, rage, frustration, grief and love as well as hope and joy. By embracing the full spectrum of emotions, we give our emotions a chance to be expressed and become unstuck. The dance helps us pay attention to our emotions so that we can learn from them and free ourselves from their hold on us.

It’s not uncommon, during the dance, for participants to fall into trance-like states. Dancers often report mystical experiences—they feel a sense of belonging and connection with something larger. While this may sound scary, it is actually quite safe if you don't overdo it. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed with the experience, just take a break from dancing for a few minutes before returning back into the group movement again!

Letting Go of Chatter

In the context of Ecstatic Dance, it's about letting go of the chatter of the mind, silencing the ego, even if it's just for a few moments at a time. This can result in a sense of clarity & space that leads to better decision-making, more compassion for others and a greater appreciation of what we already have, which contributes to longer-lasting happiness in our lives.

If you're looking to get in touch with your inner dancer, or want to try something new and exciting, ecstatic dance is for you! It can be a great form of exercise, and it's fun too! The next time you feel like dancing around the room, don't hold back—just let go and enjoy yourself.


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