The Beginner's Guide To Iyengar Yoga


Iyengar yoga is a style of yoga that focuses on proper alignment. It's an excellent choice for beginners, as it focuses on body awareness and strength building in each pose.

What is Iyengar Yoga?

IIyengar is a form of yoga created by B.K.S. Iyengar in the 1960s (and later popularized with his book, Light on Yoga). Iyengar yoga is based on the yoga sutras and focuses on proper alignment and precise technique. Through slower movements and an emphasis on quality over quantity, asanas (poses) are combined with pranayama (breath) to build strength, stamina, and flexibility.

What are the Health Benefits?

Iyengar Yoga is an excellent way to gain flexibility, strength, balance and posture. The series of poses or asanas found in Iyengar yoga are arranged in a specific order and done with breath control (pranayama). They are also designed to correct imbalances both physically and mentally. The result is that you'll feel stronger, more flexible and less stressed.

You will also notice an improvement in your back pain if you do Iyengar yoga regularly because it helps with spinal alignment through the use of props like blocks or chairs. If you suffer from back pain due to injury or arthritis then this type of yoga may be ideal for you since it's low impact yet still challenging enough for beginners to get results quickly.

What Makes Iyengar Yoga Unique?

Unlike Vinyasa classes that move through each pose quickly with little instruction on how to achieve correct alignment, Iyengar poses are held for longer periods of time so you can really focus on your breath in addition to your alignment. The instructor will walk around the room offering hands-on adjustments as needed so that each student achieves optimal alignment in every posture.

Who is Iyengar Suitable for?

Iyengar is suitable for all levels of experience, from beginners to advanced practitioners. It is a good choice for people who are looking to improve their flexibility and strength, as well as their balance and coordination. If you're new to yoga or have been practising for many years, Iyengar yoga may be just what you need!

Iyengar is an amazing style of yoga that can benefit anyone. It's a great way to keep your body strong and healthy while also helping you relax and focus on the moment. If you're looking for a new exercise routine or just want to try something different, this might be the right fit for you!


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