Light Language: What is it and How to Activate?


Light Language is a way of speaking to the universe, and it can be used for many different things. It's like meditation, but more powerful and specific.

What is Light Language?

Light language is a vibrational language of light and sound that has been used by many cultures throughout history.

It is the language of our soul, and when we speak it, we are communicating with our higher selves and our guides.

Light Language is a form of channelled energy, which is transmitted through the use of sound. You can channel any kind of energy in this way--the energy of Galactic Beings, the energy of land and the essence of your Soul.

Light language can also be used as a form of verbal communication--it is not necessarily just for healing purposes. It can raise your vibration, clear negative energies and even heal.

What is Light Language Activation?

Light Language Activation is a technique that helps you activate your own Light Language abilities so that you can speak directly with God or Source Energy (or whatever name works for you).

It is a process of connecting with your soul and spirit guides, learning to speak light language, writing light language and reading light language.

Light Language Activation also connects you with the Angelic Realm. The Angels are here to assist us in understanding how best to use our gifts so that we may share them with others.

When you combine the power of intention with the frequencies of Light Language, true magic happens.

In a Light Language transmission, a person uses Light Languages as a tool for reprogramming your energetic field for a specific purpose. For example, it could be love, abundance, vitality or healing.

During transmission Light Language is used as a coding device for energy to work deep beyond the levels of conscious or even subconscious mind and repair or rewire energetic patterns that may negatively affect your day-to-day life.

Influenced by the work of Barbara Ann Brennan (who was inspired by her own angelic experiences), this practise uses visualisation techniques to access your seventh chakra—the energy centre just above your head—where you can receive information from other dimensions or beings outside of time and space.

This dimension is called the akashic field, where all information exists at once in a holographic form; it’s not linear like we experience here on Earth!

Benefits of Speaking Light Language

Speaking light language helps you to connect with your inner self.

It can be used to clear blocks and negative emotions, allowing you to move forward in life.

You can use light language for healing and sending energy to others using it as a form of meditation.

Light Language is a beautiful language of light which you can use to speak directly with your Higher Self and the angels.

By doing so, you will receive divine guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels regarding any situation in your life.

Light Language Activation is a powerful technique that allows us to connect with our soul's purpose, healing ourselves on all levels - physical, mental and emotional - as well as opening our energetic bodies for higher spiritual development.


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