The Daily Practice of Mindful Painting and Drawing

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It's not about the art. It's about the experience of creating art. If you're like me and prefer to be more focused on what you're doing than how well or beautifully it turns out, then mindful painting and drawing might just be for you.

There's no need to worry about technique or perfection; this practice is all about being present in the moment and appreciating yourself as an artist. Here are some tips to help make your next creative adventure a little more mindful.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the art of paying attention to the present moment. It's not about thinking, it's about feeling—and it's a way of being in the world that can help you become more grounded, focused, and creative.

It's also the opposite of being on autopilot: when you're mindful, you're fully engaged with what you're doing and how you're feeling about it.

Even if there are distractions around you—things like phones buzzing or someone singing off-key nearby—you won't be distracted by them because your mind is focused on your task at hand.

Prepare Your Painting or Drawing Space

Now you're ready to set up your canvas and paper. If you're painting, choose a medium that will allow for some spontaneity in your work. Acrylics are a good choice for this because they dry quickly and also allow for wet-on-wet techniques. Watercolours will allow even more flexibility and aren't too messy to use indoors.

Oil paints take longer to dry but offer an unparalleled ability to create rich textures through glazing and blending multiple colours together. If you're drawing on paper, pick up some pencils or charcoals and get ready for a fun time.

Pay Attention to Your Breathing

You may have heard that breathing is the first thing we do when we're born and the last thing we do when we die. Breathing is also one of the most important things to pay attention to during your practice. It can help you focus on the present, calm down, and centre yourself in this crazy world that is full of distractions.

Once you have settled into your seat with a piece of paper or canvas in front of you, begin by closing your eyes and focusing on how your body feels right now: Is it comfortable? Are all parts relaxed or tense? If there's any pain or discomfort, try shifting around until it goes away—this will not only make you more comfortable but also help keep your mind focused on what's happening right now rather than worrying about anything else (like where to put those paintbrushes).

Now that everything feels good physically-speaking, let’s start paying attention to our breathing! You can either focus on one specific area like just inhaling through your nose while exhaling through your mouth; or simply notice how all parts feel as air moves throughout your entire body during each breath cycle. Whatever method works best for you at any given moment will be perfect.

Mindful painting and drawing is a great way to connect with yourself, the world around you, and even your creative process. By taking time out of your busy day to practice this art form in a mindful manner, you can reap many benefits that will help you become more present in life.

Just remember to keep it simple! Start with some basic breathing exercises or focus on one sense at a time so that when it comes time to start creating something new, it feels natural instead of overwhelming.


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