Activate Your Flow State by Doodling a Mandala

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What is a flow state? It's that feeling you get when you're immersed in an activity and nothing else matters. You've probably experienced it before, whether it was while playing sports or cooking dinner, or even going for a hike with friends. But have you ever wondered why we reach this state? Or how to access it on command?

Well, studies show that mindfulness is key to activating the neural circuits responsible for flow. And doodling can help us achieve this state of mind by activating our visual cortexes and stimulating our imaginations.

Doing mandala art therapy is a simple way to activate your flow state and bring about a state of mindfulness. In this article, I'll explain what it is, how it works, and how you can do it.

What are Mandalas?

The word mandala comes from the Sanskrit language, and it means "circle." A mandala is a geometric design used in meditation, ritual, and spiritual practices for thousands of years. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, the mandala is considered to represent the universe or a map of consciousness.

It can also be used as an aid to prayer or as a meditative tool. No matter how you use it, the important thing about a mandala is that it helps you focus your mind on one thing at a time. In other words, it's kind of like doodling with purpose.

You can choose from literally dozens of different types of designs—anywhere from simple shapes like circles and squares to complex tangles full of intricate detail—to create your doodle meditation experience.

Healing Benefits of Mandalas

In a move that brings about the best of both worlds, mandalas are a form of art that can be used as a means of meditation. Simply put, they allow you to focus on the present moment. This can help deal with stress and anxiety, which may cause an individual to become overwhelmed or distracted by their thoughts.

When it comes to healing benefits, mandala art is also known for its ability to calm your mind, relax as well as help you ground yourself by connecting inward.

Mandalas are a form of meditation that helps you focus on the present moment and deal with stress. When your mind is less cluttered, you can better manage anxiety and depression.

The process of creating a mandala also serves as an outlet for emotions, which can be helpful if you struggle with negative thoughts or feelings like guilt or anger. Mandalas are also used in some religions to help people achieve enlightenment by bringing their minds into harmony with the universe.

What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a great way to get in touch with your inner self and calm your mind.

Doodling is a form of art therapy that we are all familiar with. We doodle when we are bored, or when we are trying to think of something else. But did you know it can also help you activate your flow state?

It turns out that the act of doodling engages your brain’s right hemisphere, which is where the locus coeruleus and amygdala sit. This area is responsible for activating our fight-or-flight response and increasing our heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels—all things needed to be able to perform well under pressure.

Doodling mandalas is a great way to activate your flow state but can also be used for personal growth and spiritual development. We can express our deepest feelings as we tap into our intuition and let go of any negative emotions or thought patterns that may have been weighing us down when we create mandalas.

So next time you find yourself sitting at a desk with nothing else to do but stare into space, why not try drawing a mandala? The experience could open up new pathways in your brain and provide new tools to think more creatively.


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