Yoga Bali Lifestyle Blog
How To Live A Yogic Lifestyle
The yogic lifestyle is about living consciously. Developing a practice based on a deep understanding of Yogic philosophies will allow you to create a harmonious balance between mind, body and spirit. Here you’ll find tips and ideas to aide you in your journey.
The True Meaning of UBUNTU
The philosophy of Ubuntu is expressed through the Zulu phrase "ubuntu ngumuntu ngabantu," which translates to "being human through other people." It highlights the importance of recognizing our interdependence and the role of human relationships in shaping our identity and purpose. In today's fast-paced world, where individualism often overshadows the value of community, Ubuntu serves as a reminder of our shared humanity and the impact we have on one another.
Ayurveda: Timeless Wisdom Meets Modern Wellness at Ubuntu Café
Ayurveda benefits and use in everyday life incorporating ayurvedic principles into your daily diet can have numerous benefits. From improved digestion and better sleep to increased energy and reduced stress - Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to health that addresses both physical and mental aspects of well-being.