What Are Controlled Articular Rotations and Why You Should Do Them?

controlled articular rotations ashtanga yoga bali

Controlled articular rotations are a great way to improve your flexibility and strength in your upper and lower body. They can help prevent injuries and other problems, but they need to be done correctly.

In this article, we'll talk about what controlled articular rotations are and what they do for your body.

What Are Controlled Articular Rotations?

Controlled articular rotations (CARs), also known as "controlled" or "soft-tissue stretching," are a type of exercise in which you move your joints through different ranges of motion.

This can help you improve your mobility, strength and flexibility, increase blood flow to the area and break up scar tissue that may have formed from repetitive movement patterns. They can also help you prevent injuries in your hips, knees and ankles.

These exercises are a perfect compliment to your Ashtanga yoga practice during your off days.

The benefits of controlled articular rotations include:

  • improved range of motion in joints

  • increased range of motion for joint pain relief

  • increased circulation to the area (vitamin D production)

What’s The Goal of Controlled Articular Rotations?

The goal of controlled articular rotations is to help joints move smoothly and get nutrients to where they need to go. This can be done by restoring mobility, flexibility and strength in the joints that are affected by arthritis or injury.

To do this effectively you will need a qualified therapist who understands how muscles work together with the bones that make up your body. Your therapist will also have experience working with people who have osteoporosis (weak bones).

If you’re in Canggu, Bali then you’ll get hands on experience of CAR during our upcoming Ashtanga yoga intensive workshop.

Controlled Articular Rotations & Mobility Exercises: What the Difference?

CARs are slow, controlled movements that can be painful at times because they target specific muscles and joints. They're not meant to be a workout or competition and should not cause pain in any way.

Since CARs aren't intended for performance-based goals like running sprints or throwing a football, it's important for yogis who want to add this to their daily routine to understand the difference between these types of exercises so they can make informed decisions about which ones will help them deepen their asana practice.

The human body has many different joints, including the shoulder joint, knee joint, elbow joint and hip (patella). These joints are important because they allow us to move our bodies in different ways. They help us walk or run or even climb stairs.

The muscles around these joints also provide support for the movement of your limbs through the use of specific movements called muscle contractions.

So, controlled articular rotations are a great way to warm up your joints and improve circulation in your body. They also help keep you from getting injured by increasing mobility and reducing joint stress on the body over time.

You can do these exercises standing or sitting and they're best if done consistently over time because their benefits won't kick in immediately.


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